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Power BI Model Analyzer

This app provides Power BI users inventory information, metadata, and comprehensive analysis of their model size and contents.

Get insights into your Power BI environment that you have access to (including relationships, column and table sizing, dependencies between columns and metrics and more). This allows you to identify models that may require optimization by analyzing column sizes, unnecessary columns, etc.



Need insight into your Power BI environment?  Need to know what is consuming your storage space in Power BI? Want to optimize your data models and your Power BI environment? The ability to analyze model, table, column sizing, column usage, and column dependencies is critical to an efficient, optimized Power BI environment.

This solution, Power BI Model Analyzer, will be updated periodically as new feature requests and other thoughts on what could be added to improve optimization practices. As well, if new DMV functionality is added. Make sure you’re running the latest version. The report will have a version displayed and notify you if there is a new version available.  






Submit ideas for enhancements of the product:  


Download the solution

The solution can be downloaded from your account from after purchase.

  1. On, access the Customer Dashboard.
  2. On the sidebar menu, select Downloads.
  3. You will see all of your purchases and the download links for each.


Install the solution

The solution can be downloaded from your account from

  1. For using with Power BI Desktop on your local machine, the custom connector (Power BI Model Analyzer.mez) has to be downloaded and Power BI Desktop configured to allow third-party connectors:

Be patient. It takes a few minutes to install and refresh metrics. If the solution shows blank metrics, press F5 to refresh your browser.


Monitor data models with the solution

Now that you’ve installed the solution, you can see metrics for the data models in your organization. The solution provides a detailed metrics Report.



You can create a customized dashboard that summarizes key metrics for data models for which you are an admin of. This can include any of the metrics already in the Power BI Model Analyzer solution or create your own!


Reports provide more detailed metrics. To see reports for workspaces for which you are an admin, in Reports, click Power BI Model Analyzer. Or, from the dashboard, click a metric cell to go to the underlying report. At the bottom of the report, there are nine tabs: Cover – Provides metadata about the solution including version information, link to the item, item documentation, and a link to submit ideas for enhancement. Workspaces – Provides a high level view of Power BI workspace sizing and a breakdown by dataset listing within each workspace.  Datasets – Provides a high level view of Power BI dataset sizing and a breakdown by table listing within each dataset. Tables – Provides a high level view of Power BI dataset table sizing and a breakdown by column listing within each table. Columns - Provides a detail analysis of column cardinality and sizing. Measures - Provides detail listing of all measures from each dataset. Relationships - Provides detailed metadata regarding the relationship configuration within each model. Compression – This tab shows information about the compression applied to tables and columns. Encoding – This tab shows information on the datatype and the kind of encoding used for the columns. Object Dependency – This tab shows the dependencies between columns and measures and unused columns (in the data model – not including visuals).  


Cover Tab

The Cover tab contains documentation of the solution, a product link contact information, version information, and a link to submit feature requests.

Field Description
This Version Currently installed app version.
Latest Version Latest version available to download.
Last Updated Date and time the product listing was last updated.
Product Link Link to the product on
Feature Request Link to submit feature requests to the author of the product to review.


Workspaces Tab

The Workspaces tab shows an overview of Power BI workspaces and a breakdown by dataset listing.

  1. Tiles of the overall count of Workspaces, Datasets, Tables, Table Rows, and the Table Size that you are an admin of.
  2. Listing of all Workspaces and their respective count of Tables, number of Table Rows, and the Table Size of all Workspaces and Datasets that you are an admin of.
  3. Listing of Datasets showing the number of Table Rows, Table Size, number of Columns, number of Measures, and number of Relationships.

All listings can be cross-filtered to show content of specific Workspaces.  


Top Tiles

Field Description
Workspaces Number of workspaces of which you are an admin.
Datasets Number of datasets.
Tables Number of tables.
Table Rows Number of rows.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.


Power BI Workspace filter

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Filter to allow selection of workspace(s).


Show me information about each workspace…

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Name of each workspace.
Datasets Number of datasets.
Tables Number of tables.
Table Rows Number of rows.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.


Show me information about workspace datasets…

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Name of each workspace.
Power BI Dataset Name of each dataset in each workspace.
Table Rows Number of rows.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.
Columns Number of columns.
Measures Number of measures.
Relationships Number of relationships.

back to top  


Datasets Tab

The Datasets tab shows an overview of Power BI workspaces and a breakdown by dataset listing.  As well, it shows a breakdown of dataset tables under each dataset.

  1. Tiles of the overall count of Workspaces, Datasets, Tables, Table Rows, and the Table Size that you are an admin of.
  2. Listing of all Workspaces with a breakdown of Datasets and their respective count of Tables, number of Table Rows, and the Table Size of all Workspaces and Datasets.
  3. Listing of Datasets and Tables in each dataset showing the number of Table Rows, breakdown of Table Size, number of Columns, number of Measures, and number of Relationships.

All listings can be cross-filtered to show content of specific Workspaces.  


Top Tiles

Field Description
Workspaces Number of workspaces of which you are an admin.
Datasets Number of datasets.
Tables Number of tables.
Table Rows Number of rows.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.


Power BI Workspace filter

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Filter to allow selection of workspace(s).


Show me information about each dataset…

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Name of each workspace.
Power BI Dataset Name of each dataset.
Datasets Number of datasets.
Tables Number of tables.
Table Rows Number of rows.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.


Show me information about dataset tables…

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Name of each workspace of which you are an admin.
Power BI Dataset Name of each dataset.
Table Rows Number of rows.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.
Columns Number of columns.
Measures Number of measures.
Relationships Number of relationships.

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Tables Tab

The Tables tab shows an overview of Power BI datasets and a breakdown by table listing.  As well, it shows a breakdown of columns under each table.

  1. Tiles of the overall count of Tables, Columns, Table Rows, Table Size, and the Column Size (Total).
  2. Listing of all Datasets with a breakdown of Tables and their respective number of Table Rows, the Table Size, number of Columns, and total number of Tables.
  3. Listing of Tables in each dataset and the Columns in each showing the number of Column Size (Total), Column Cardinality, Column Size (Avg), and number of Columns.

All listings can be cross-filtered to show content of specific Workspaces.  


Top Tiles

Field Description
Tables Number of tables.
Columns Number of columns.
Table Rows Number of rows.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.


Power BI Workspace filter

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Filter to allow selection of workspace(s).

  Power BI Dataset filter

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Filter to allow selection of dataset(s).


Show me information about each table…

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Name of each dataset.
Table Name Name of each table.
Table Rows Number of rows.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.
Columns Number of columns.
Tables Number of tables.


Show me information about each column…

Field Description
Table Name Name of each table.
Column Name Name of each column.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.
Column Cardinality Number of distinct values in each column.
Column Size (Avg per Row bytes) Average size of each record in a column in bytes.
Columns Number of columns.

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Columns Tab

The Columns tab shows detailed information for all columns for tables in datasets of the workspaces of which you are an admin.

  1. Count of Columns, number of Table Rows, and total Column Size (Mb).
  2. A donut chart showing components of total column size broken out by Column Size (Dictionary Mb), Column Size (Data Mb), and Column Size (Hierarchy).
  3. Filters for Power BI Workspace, Power BI Dataset, and Table Name.
  4. Listing of Power BI Workspaces and Power BI Datasets along with the Table Size (Mb).
  5. Listing of Table Name and Column Name with their respective Column Size (Mb), Column Cardinality, and count of Columns.
  6. Listing of Power BI Dataset, Table Name, Column Name, Data Type of the column, Column Size (Mb), Column Size (Data Mb), Column Size (Dictionary Mb), Column Cardinality, number of Table Rows, Column Size (Avg per Row bytes), and number of Columns.

All visuals can be cross-filtered.  


Top Tiles

Field Description
Columns Number of columns.
Table Rows Number of rows.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.


Donut chart

Field Description
Column Size (Dictionary Mb) The dictionary structure size in Mb of the column(s).
Column Size (Data Mb) The compressed data size in Mb of the column(s).
Column Size (Hierarchy Mb) The size in Mb of the auto-generated hierarchies for column(s).


Power BI Workspace filter

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Filter to allow selection of workspace(s).


Power BI Dataset filter

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Filter to allow selection of dataset(s).


Table Name filter

Field Description
Table Name Filter to allow selection of table name(s).

  Show me information about each dataset…

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Name of each workspace of which you are an admin.
Power BI Dataset Name of each dataset.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.


Show me information about each table…

Field Description
Table Name Name of each table.
Column Name Name of each column.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.
Column Cardinality Number of distinct values in each column.
Columns Number of columns.


Show me information about each column…

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Name of each dataset.
Table Name Name of each table.
Column Name Name of each column.
Data Type Data type of each column.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.
Column Size (Data Mb) The compressed data size in Mb of the column(s).
Column Size (Dictionary Mb) The dictionary structure size in Mb of the column(s).
Column Cardinality Number of distinct values in each column.
Table Rows Number of rows.
Column Size (Avg per Row bytes) Average size of each record in a column in bytes.
Columns Number of columns.

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Measures Tab

The Measures tab shows detailed information for all measures in datasets of the workspaces of which you are an admin.

  1. Count of Measures, number of Dependencies for those measures, and number of Measures w/ Dependencies.
  2. Filters for Power BI Workspace and Power BI Dataset.
  3. Listing of Power BI Workspaces and Power BI Datasets along with the Table Size (Mb) and number of Measures.
  4. Listing of Measure Name and Referenced Name showing their respective level in which they are referenced.
  5. Listing of Power BI Dataset, Table Name, Measure Name, IsHidden flag showing if the measure is hidden, Display Folder of the measure, the Expression of the measure, count of Measures, count of Measures w/ Dependencies, and number of Dependencies.

All visuals can be cross-filtered.  


Top Tiles

Field Description
Measures Count of measures.
Dependencies Count of instances in which a measure is referenced by another measure.
Measures w/ Dependencies Count of measures that have dependencies on other measures.

  Power BI Workspace filter

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Filter to allow selection of workspace(s).


Power BI Dataset filter

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Filter to allow selection of dataset(s).


Show me information about each dataset…

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Name of each workspace of which you are an admin.
Power BI Dataset Name of each dataset.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.
Measures Number of measures.


What measures have dependencies?

Field Description
Measure Name Name of each measure.
Referenced Measure Name of each measure referenced.
Level 1 Count of measures directly referenced by the original measure.
Level 2 Count of measures referenced two levels deep by the original measure.
Level 3 Count of measures referenced three levels deep by the original measure.
Level 4 Count of measures referenced four levels deep by the original measure.
Level 5 Count of measures referenced five levels deep by the original measure.
Level 6+ Count of measures referenced six or more levels deep by the original measure.


Show me information about each measure…

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Name of each dataset.
Table Name Name of each table.
Measure Name Name of each measure.
IsHidden Flag indicating if a measure is hidden or not.
DisplayFolder Display Folder the measure is contained within.
Expression DAX expression used to build measure.
Measures Number of measures.
Measures w/ Dependencies Count of measures that have dependencies on other measures.
Dependencies Count of instances in which a measure is referenced by another measure.

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Relationships Tab

The Relationships tab shows information about relationships from each dataset from workspaces of which you are an admin.

  1. Count of Relationships, Tables, and Relationship Size (Mb) of those relationships.
  2. Filters for Power BI Workspace and Power BI Dataset.
  3. Listing of Power BI Workspaces and Power BI Datasets along with the Relationships and their Relationship Size (Mb).
  4. Listing of relationships showing the From Table NameFrom Column Name, To Table Name, and To Table Column showing their Active status, if Single or Both Cross Filter direction, and Relationship Size (Mb).
  5. Listing of From Table NameFrom Column Name, From Cardinality of the from column, To Table Name, and To Table ColumnTo Cardinality of the to column showing their Active status, if Single or Both Cross Filter direction, FromCardinalityType, ToCardinalityType, SecurityFilteringBehavior, RelyOnReferencialIntegrity, and Relationship Size (Mb)

All visuals can be cross-filtered.  


Top Tiles

Field Description
Relationships Count of relationships.
Tables Count of tables.
Relationship Size (Mb) Size of relationships between tables.


Active filter

Field Description
Active Active status of relationships between tables.


Cross Filter filter

Field Description
Cross Filter Cross filter direction of relationships between tables.


Power BI Workspace filter

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Filter to allow selection of workspace(s).


Power BI Dataset filter

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Filter to allow selection of dataset(s).

  Show me information about each dataset…

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Name of each workspace of which you are an admin.
Power BI Dataset Name of each dataset.
Relationships Count of relationships.
Relationship Size (Mb) Size of relationships between tables.


Show me each relationship…

Field Description
From Table Name Originating table of a relationship between tables.
From Column Name Originating column of a relationship between tables.
To Table Name To table of a relationship between tables.
To Column Name To column of a relationship between tables.
Active Active status of relationships between tables.
Cross Filter Behavior Cross filter direction of relationships between tables.
Relationship Size (Mb) Size of relationships between tables.


Show me information about each relationship…

Field Description
From Table Name Originating table of a relationship between tables.
From Column Name Originating column of a relationship between tables.
From Cardinality Number of distinct values in each originating column.
To Table Name To table of a relationship between tables.
To Column Name To column of a relationship between tables.
To Cardinality Number of distinct values in each to column.
Active Active status of relationships between tables.
Cross Filter Behavior Cross filter direction of relationships between tables.
Cardinality Type The cardinality type of each relationship.
SecurityFilteringBehavior Apply security filter in both directions flag.
RelyOnReferentialIntegrity Assume referential integrity flag (DirectQuery).
Relationship Size (Mb) Size of relationships between tables.

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Compression Tab

The Compression tab shows information about compression applied to tables and columns.

  1. Count of Columns, count of Column CardinalityColumn Size (Mb), Table Size (Mb), and number of Table Rows.
  2. Filters for Power BI Workspace and Power BI Dataset.
  3. Listing of Compression Type and Bits Count of all columns along with the count of Columns, Column Size (Mb), overall % Column Size, number of Segments, and number of Partitions.
  4. Listing of Table NameColumn NameData Type of the column, Column Cardinality, Column Size (Mb), % Column Size, and the number of Table Rows.

All visuals can be cross-filtered.  


Top Tiles

Field Description
Columns Count of columns.
Column Cardinality Number of distinct values in each column.
Column Size (Mb) Size of relationships between tables.
Table Size (Mb) Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.
Table Rows Number of rows.


Power BI Workspace filter

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Filter to allow selection of workspace(s).


Power BI Dataset filter

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Filter to allow selection of dataset(s).


What compression type was used on the columns?

Field Description
Compression Type Type of compression applied.
Bits Count Encoding bits applied.
Columns Number of columns.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.
% Column Size % of total column size.
Segments Number of segments.
Partitions Number of partitions.

  Show me information about each column…

Field Description
Table Name Name of each table.
Column Name Name of each column.
Data Type Data type of each column.
Column Cardinality Number of distinct values in each column.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.
% Column Size % of total column size.
Table Rows Number of rows.


Encoding Tab

The Encoding tab shows information about encoding applied to tables and columns.

  1. Count of Columns, count of Column CardinalityColumn Size (Mb), Table Size (Mb), and number of Table Rows.
  2. Filters for Power BI Workspace and Power BI Dataset.
  3. Listing of Column Encoding and Data Type of all columns along with the count of Columns, Column Size (Mb), and Column Cardinality.
  4. Listing of Table NameColumn Name, Column Cardinality, Column Size (Mb), % Column Size, and the number of Table Rows.

All visuals can be cross-filtered.  


Top Tiles

Field Description
Columns Count of columns.
Column Cardinality Number of distinct values in each column.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.
Table Size Size of columns, relationships, and user hierarchies in megabytes.
Table Rows Number of rows.


Power BI Workspace filter

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Filter to allow selection of workspace(s).


Power BI Dataset filter

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Filter to allow selection of dataset(s).


How are columns encoded?

Field Description
Column Encoding Encoding type used.
Data Type Data type of each column.
Columns Number of columns.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.
Column Cardinality Number of distinct values in each column.


Show me information about each column…

Field Description
Table Name Name of each table.
Column Name Name of each column.
Column Cardinality Number of distinct values in each column.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.
% of Column Size % of total column size.
Table Rows Number of rows.

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Object Dependency Tab

The Object Dependency tab shows information about dependencies between all reporting artifacts from each dataset from workspaces of which you are an admin.

  1. Count of Columns, count of Columns Referenced, and a count of Columns not Referenced.
  2. Filters for Power BI Workspace and Power BI Dataset.
  3. Listing of Object Type and the number of Column References for each type.
  4. Listing of Power BI Dataset, Table Name, Column Name, Data Type of the column, count of Columns, count of Column References, the Column Cardinality, the Column Size (Mb), the number of Columns not Referenced, and the number of Columns Referenced.

It is noted that this does not include if the column is referenced in Power Query transformations or utilized in visuals. All visuals can be cross-filtered.  


Top Tiles

Field Description
Columns Count of columns.
Columns Referenced Count of columns referenced.
Columns not Referenced Count of columns not referenced.


Power BI Workspace filter

Field Description
Power BI Workspace Filter to allow selection of workspace(s).


Power BI Dataset filter

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Filter to allow selection of dataset(s).


How are columns encoded?

Field Description
Object Type Reference type.
Column References Count of columns referenced by each type.

  What content is in each workspace?

Field Description
Power BI Dataset Name of each dataset.
Table Name Name of each table.
Column Name Name of each column.
Data Type Data type of each column.
Columns Count of columns.
Column References Count of columns referenced.
Column Cardinality Number of distinct values in each column.
Column Size (Mb) Size of columns including data, dictionary, and hierarchy sizes in megabytes.
Columns not Referenced Count of columns not referenced.

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